Peter van der Graaf, spin master - figuratively AND literally!

Last time I was in Amsterdam - for A4U + AAC last year - it was Queen's Day. There was A LOT going on! People and colors everywhere...

This year, we're one week early for Queen's day apparently... and you can really feel the difference! The streets feel so empty!

More surprinsingly, the sessions at CAC feel empty too. It seems not a lot of attendees are coming to the sessions - any session! Yet, the content is of pretty high quality. So far, we are definitely at A4U or SES levels regarding SEO content... Something you wouldn't necessarily expect from a Casino conference...

I definitely enjoyed the sessions I attended today including Christoph Cemper (great link building tips as usual), Frank Watson and Gary Beal.

However, I think the highlight of the day for me was to meet Sébastien Monnier (who was giving a presentation on behalf of his company 1ère position). I wish there were more French SEOs like him. I mean people who really know what they are talking about! I might even end up reconsidering my rant about how France is a 3rd world country as far as Search is concerned :p

Also had some nice chats with Peter van der Graaf, Mathieu Burgerhout, Matteo Monari & more...

My own presentation is tomorrow morning at 9 am! It's insanely early... and if I had had a choice, I defintely would have presented at a different time (I'm also on a panel in the afternoon btw)... Nonetheless, I think the content will be worth getting up that early, if you're brave enough! ;)

Okay, back to powerpoint ironing! :p

Comments from long ago:

Comment from: Peter van der Graaf

You’re up against me at 9 in the morning, so let’s do a combined session to at least have some people there.

Your session is about mashup and mine is on slot machines, so let’s make a fruit cocktail together!

2010-04-16 06-09

Comment from: Aussiewebmaster

Mate love you got a shot of Bebe our waitress and my soon to be ex wife

2010-04-18 19-24

Comment from: SEOfrancois

Hehe, I got a whole series of these pictures. Let me know if you need them for your family album :)))

2010-04-18 20-39